Here is our Part 2 of All The Cores! In the world of fashion combined with social media, trends are often referred to as CORE. We have summarized the hottest core aesthetics for you and the best thing is, you can store the outfits directly or get inspired. Here you can find Part 1 of All The Cores with: Bloke-, Angel-, Devil-, Vacation- and Love-Core.

Let's move on to a core trend that you've probably all seen before, whether in the city center or on social media. We're talking about Blokecore or Ladcore. “Bloke” or lad is a term for “guy” in English, which is interesting in this respect because Blokecore has been a unisex phenomenon since 2021. Unlike hooligans or casuals, for example, where club affiliation is rather difficult to identify visually, Blokecore puts your favorite football club in the spotlight. In the original sense, a football shirt is combined with normal clothing. However, it should be mentioned at this point that not all fans of Blokecore are automatically football fans, or at least not of the club whose shirt they are wearing. In the very special world of football shirts, there are also extremely special versions, collector's items or vintage pieces inherited from your father. Of course, the names of top-class footballers are also popular on the jerseys - Beckham, Zidane, Ibrahimovic. But not only jerseys are allowed within Blokecore. Sweatshirts, training jackets, or pants from clubs or simply brands without a club symbol are also allowed. Classic sneakers such as the adidas Samba or the City models round off the look perfectly with classic blue jeans. Blokecore will certainly be seen more often this year, as the European Football Championships are taking place.

Angelcore is a contemporary aesthetic inspired by angels. In terms of style, it resembles Rococo, a fashion from the 18th century. The idea is to imitate the supernatural beauty of angels. However, this does not mean that you have to walk through the city with angel wings. Both angelic clothing, such as white or transparent fabrics or golden details, and clothing with angel motifs are used in Angelcore. The fashion trend tends to be more popular with women, but as we all know, anything goes, so we also have outfits for men. In addition to angels, other indispensable motifs for Angelcore are butterflies, garlands, clouds, glitter, wings, and harps.

More items from Angelcore can be found here at GATE.

There is no angel without a devil! Devilcore is the counterpart to Angelcore. Devilcore often relies on disturbing images that hint at sinful activities. Satanic motifs, pentagrams, or leviathan crosses are used to match the theme. Devilcore is characterized by a creepy aesthetic and uses motifs such as blood, knives, weapons, fire, or abandoned buildings and the nighttime. The fashion of this aesthetic is based on dark colors, especially black and shades of red. It can be tight and revealing, acid wash is also popular, nets, buckles, lace, and leather are also important components and, of course, creepy accessories.

You can find the products for Devilcore ,here at GATE.

This trend is all about looking like you're a Yank on vacation in Europe, or at least imagining that you are. Of course, this trend also has its origins on social networks. People like to share their experiences online, including those from their vacations. With Vacationcore, however, you don't necessarily have to be on vacation. Roughly summarized, it is primarily about the outfit on a summer vacation. Skimpy tops or bikini tops, combined with linen pants and sandals. Oversized sunglasses, straw hats or silk headscarves, and large beach bags are also important accessories.

You can find the products for Vacationcore, here at GATE.

With Lovecore, it's Valentine's Day all year round! Love is celebrated here and things are correspondingly romantic. Popular motifs include hearts, boxes of chocolates, love letters, Cupid, angels, and, of course, the colors red and pink. Parallels to manga comics can also be seen in Lovecore. Anime characters who blush or have hearts around them are often used as motifs in lovecore. In general, hearts are one of the most important elements, often in combination with bouquets, cakes with icing, and heart-shaped sweets. Lovecore fashion is a mixture of lingerie, satin dresses, and angel wings, paired with normal clothing.